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Seller: AnPolyachok

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Accounts are registered to a domain gmail.
Accounts without mail, if necessary, you can create yourself.
Coupon expiration date 25.06.2021

This account has a coupon from the seller specified in the title
Works for the store:

Buying a product, you get an AliExpress Account with the coupon value specified in the ad title.
After the purchase, the buyer becomes the owner of the account and all responsibility for the coupon is transferred to the buyer.
Making a purchase for this coupon is possible under the conditions of knowledge and the ability to use them:
-Pure IP (Proxy / VPN)
-Clean browser (incognito mode without plugins)
-The seller´s product is not in the bath
-Modification of the recipient´s data, which will not be repeated with the data of other Aliexpress accounts.
-Payment of the Order only after it has been checked in "My Orders"
Violation of at least one of these conditions may lead to the closure of the order and the loss of the coupon, or an account verification via SMS may be required. Such accounts do not change, because the owner is you and the responsibility is already yours.

Replacing an account is possible only if it is impossible to enter the account (incorrect username / password) or there is no coupon (indicated in the ad table of contents) on it.


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