

Fortress of Hope - the first book of the fantasy cycle cycle Outlaw. Centuries have passed since the monstrous wars of the magicians died down and half of the...
 22 Dem Mikhaylov 0

ARK 5.0: The Beginning.

In the beginning HE created heaven and earth. And HE said: let the water that is under the sky be gathered in one place, and let the dry land appear. And it...
 -1  -1  -1 Dem Mikhaylov 0

flaming nozzles-1

flaming nozzles
 -1  -1  -1 Dem Mikhaylov 0

Echo of War

Radioactive desert, barren and waterless. The scorching sun scorches all living things. But despite this, life still glimmers in the sands - if you can call it...
 17 Dem Mikhaylov 0


The hardworking dwarf overcame many obstacles, faced terrible opponents, but managed to survive himself and keep his lines. But no one will give a respite...
 56 Dem Mikhaylov 0


The world of Valdira dramatically expanded its boundaries - the Great Trekking was successfully completed, the fighting armadas reached distant shores. Started...
 109 Dem Mikhaylov 0


The world of Valdira dramatically expanded its boundaries - the Great Trekking was successfully completed, the fighting armadas reached distant shores. Started...
 1  121 Dem Mikhaylov 0

Valdira in one bottle

PROFITABLE! Valdira in one bottle
 -1  -1  -1 Dem Mikhaylov 0


Never before has such a terrible threat hung over the world of Valdira - a whole continent has gone mad and is heading for a clash with the Old Continent. If...
 139 Dem Mikhaylov 0


World Valdira. A new and extremely unusual hero making his way in Valdir from scratch. But paving the way in a very peculiar way - just “born”, for a start he...
 57 Dem Mikhaylov 0

Valdira: the story of Orbits Novos or the Snow Arena.

The story describes a small event that happened on the snowy slope of the majestic dwarf Great city of Hradalrum. The protagonist of the events is the Orbit...
 -1  -1  -1 Dem Mikhaylov 0


The adventures of the thief Shmyga continue. "Side" branch of the main cycle Valdir. Another hero, other events and adventures occurring...
 93 Dem Mikhaylov 0


Gods war. Collision of the continents. Awakening of ancient deities. Fierce bickering clans. Hero Rosgard is trying to do at least something, getting involved...
 1  210 Dem Mikhaylov 0


A strange and incomprehensible frozen world, an air prison, circling around a giant ice pillar, hundreds of prisoners abandoned here without trial, doomed to...
 65 Dem Mikhaylov 0

Bulkvarius Bulletin

The action of the novel takes place in the underwater world of Valdir filled with outlandish creatures, unusual plants and a considerable number of surprising...
 118 Dem Mikhaylov 0


steroid City a closed world inhabited by soulless inhabitants. Widespread corruption, mafia and gangster groups are practically open. But no one even suspects...
 1  73 Dem Mikhaylov 0


The fierce battle with the gray orcs is over. The Watchtower Gray Peak did not surrender to the enemy. Sawed by swords and magic, the orcs retreated to their...
 -1  -1  -1 Dem Mikhaylov 0


A huge world filled with adventure and ancient secrets, evil monsters hungry for your death and, of course, real heroes. A world in which everyone can achieve...
 -1  -1  -1 Dem Mikhaylov 0


A novel in the RealRPG genre - as I understand it. Survival, gloomy world, unusual heroes.
 -1  -1  -1 Dem Mikhaylov 0


A novel in the RealRPG genre - as I understand it. Survival, gloomy world, unusual heroes.
 1  257 Dem Mikhaylov 0


A novel in the RealRPG genre - as I understand it. Survival, gloomy world, unusual heroes.
 1  210 Dem Mikhaylov 0


Angora The mystical legendary city of the Dead, which is hidden in unknown lands According to legend, the most bright souls worthy of death, worthy of an...
 -1  -1  -1 Dem Mikhaylov 0

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